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 Social Media Marketing Strategy


Posted By Admin On 03-01-2022

As we are living in the Digital age, we are exposed to social media every day. It has become one of the fastest-defining technologies. Social media allows people to freely interact with others and share content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. Social Media provides multiple options for marketers to reach and engage with consumers. Social media marketing is utilizing social media channels to sell or promote a brand, product, or service.

From a marketing point of view, social media has become a vital marketing channel to be successful. It has been calculated and foreseen that the number of social media users is estimated to grow up to 3.29 billion users in 2022. Which is almost 42.3% of the world’s population. Hence marketers have welcomed social media as a marketing channel. It is important to observe the future of social media regarding consumer behavior and marketing. Moreover, social media is always changing. The social media, we know today is different from years ago. It is due to the constant innovations taking place between the technology side and the consumer side of social media.

Social media marketing in Dubai helps businesses:

* To reach your target audience easily

* Helps in building an online community

*Build engaged communities

* Sell products and services

* Measures how people feel about your business

* Advertising your products or services to target spectators

What is Social Media Strategy?

A social media strategy is a summary of everything you plan to do to achieve on social media. It is a document defining your social media goals including the methods you use to achieve them and the metrics you will track to measure your progress. It guides your actions and helps you in analyzing if you will succeed or fail. The more specific your plans are, the more effective they will be. Always better to keep it short and sweet. These goals should line up with your business's digital marketing strategy. A good social media plan should be able to determine the roles and responsibilities of your team members.


How to Improve Your Social Media Marketing Strategy for 2022?

1. Identify your social media marketing goals which are aligned with your business objectives

The major questions you should ask yourself are: Why does your business exist? Does it provide the best investment support? What do you want from social media? So the first thing in creating a winning strategy is to establish crystal clear marketing goals and key performance indicators. Without goals, you have no other way in measuring success and return on investment. Keep In mind to create each goal meeting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound parameters. Identify your primary business goal and then break it down into personalized secondary goals to make the process simpler and straightforward. Every secondary goal can be allocated strategically.

2. Understand your audience's mannerisms

Making assumptions is bad. Start asking the right questions. Business is never about you. The key factors are knowing who your audience is and what they want to see on social media. Business is always about people you provide value to. It is difficult to find the right people interested in your product or service. It’s also captious to turn social media followers into customers for your business. The right approach is required to get started.

Different platforms are attracted by different audiences. When it comes to your target customer, it is better to ask a few questions like audience age, geographic location, average income, job role, industry involved, interests, etc., Before any social media marketing effort is implemented. Once all the above questions are analyzed, you need to organize the information that has been gathered about the persona properly. This leads to understanding who your audience is and how to engage with them with your content on social media, resulting in more conversions.

3. Do a social media audit

Ask some of the questions like:

  • What’s working?
  • What’s not working?
  • Who is engaging with you?
  • Which networks does your target audience use?
  • Is my audience here?
  • If so, how are they using this platform?
  • Can I use this account to achieve my goals?
  • Once you can collect information for the above questions, you will start thinking about ways to improve.

4. Research and get to know your competition

The social media marketing strategy will not be able to meet your expectations until and unless you research your competitors. Remember competitors are already using social media, so you can learn from what they’re doing. As a start-up, the best way in promoting your business on social media is to look into what your competitors are doing and what has worked for them the best. Pay attention to your competitor’s social profiles. You can conduct a competitive analysis, which makes you understand who the competitors are and what they’re doing well. You can also gauge what’s expected in your industry, which will help you in setting up social media targets of your own. Various tools like social media listening, social media management tools, etc. are available to keep an eye on your competitors.

5. Set up accounts and improve profiles

You have to decide which social network you are going to use and have to create strategies for them. It is better to write a mission statement for each network. A one-sentence declaration will help you focus on a specific goal. After selecting the network platform, update the existing profile or create a new one according to the strategies you had set up. All profile fields should be filled. Include keywords that are normally used by people during the search. Try to use consistent logos or images across all the networks, so that your profiles are easily recognizable.

6. Create compelling content

It is difficult to integrate your business goals with a social media marketing strategy without getting into the content market. Without great content, social media is meaningless. And without social media, no one will be aware of your content. So both work for hands together.

Content has a major role in your overall marketing objectives, including creation and distribution. The stories - style content is both interactive and cannot be missed. Try to pop up first in your followers’ feeds. Stories talk about you behind the scenes to your followers and also make your social feed feel more personal.


Half the percentage of marketers say that video is the most valuable content type for achieving social goals. Both long-form and short-form videos are booming in the social space across all platforms. Content can be created either in-house or by outsourcing. These contents are then directed towards your target persona on social media.


Always keep a track of your social media analytics, on-site referral traffic, and feedback forms so that you can update accordingly and fine-tune your strategy throughout the year. If actionable goals are set and each of the steps mentioned above is addressed, you are ready and you will be way ahead of the curve, in regards to the social media marketing strategy.

Social strategy requires energy, time, creativity, and self-discipline. Social media moves fast. New networks and changes occur, accordingly, new goals, tools, or plans should be reflected. The social media marketing strategy should be a living document, that you can review and adjust as and when required. To get the right results - we all need the right path. Path and guidance are provided by agencies of Social Media Marketing in Dubai.

Do you have a social media marketing strategy? What are the tools used to keep your team moving ahead? Do you need more inspiration for actionable ways to build out your strategies? Please feel free to leave a comment or contact us for more assistance. We are one of the best SMM agencies in Dubai.